Serialization in hadoop with writable interface

Serialization is the process of turning structured objects into a byte stream for transmission over a network or for writing to persistent storage. Deserialization is the reverse process of turning a byte stream back into a series of structured objects. Serialization is used in two quite distinct areas of distributed data processing: for interprocess communication and for persistent storage. In Hadoop, interprocess communication between nodes in the system is implemented using remote procedure calls (RPCs). The RPC protocol uses serialization to render the message into a binary stream to be sent to the remote node, which then deserializes the binary stream into the original message.In general, it is desirable that an RPC serialization format is compact,Fast,Extensible and Interoperable.

Hadoop uses its own serialization format, Writables, which is certainly compact and fast, but not so easy to extend or use from languages other than Java.

The Writable Interface

The Writable interface defines two methods—one for writing its state to a DataOutput binary stream and one for reading its state from a DataInput binary stream.



public interface Writable {
void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException
void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException;

Hadoop comes with a large selection of Writable classes, which are available in the package like BooleanWritable, ByteWritable, ShortWritable, IntWritable, VIntWritable, FloatWritable, LongWritable, VLongWritable, DoubleWritable.When it comes to encoding integers, there is a choice between the fixed-length formats (IntWritable and LongWritable) and the variable-length formats (VIntWritable and VLongWritable). The variable-length formats use only a single byte to encode the value if it is small enough (between –112 and 127, inclusive); otherwise, they use the first byte to indicate whether the value is positive or negative, and how many bytes follow.Text is a Writable for UTF-8 sequences. It can be thought of as the Writable equivalent of java.lang.String. The Text class uses an int (with a variable-length encoding) to store the number of bytes in the string encoding, so the maximum value is 2 GB.

Notice that charAt() returns an int representing a Unicode code point, unlike the String variant that returns a char. Text also has a find() method, which is analogous to String’s indexOf().Another difference from String is that Text is mutable (like all Writable implementations in Hadoop, except NullWritable, which is a singleton). You can reuse a Text instance by calling one of the set() methods on it.

NullWritable is a special type of Writable, as it has a zero-length serialization. No bytes are written to or read from the stream. It is used as a placeholder; for example, in Map-Reduce, a key or a value can be declared as a NullWritable when you don’t need to use that position, effectively storing a constant empty value. NullWritable can also be useful as a key in a SequenceFile when you want to store a list of values, as opposed to keyvalue pairs. It is an immutable singleton, and the instance can be retrieved by calling NullWritable.get().

ObjectWritable is a general-purpose wrapper for the following: Java primitives, String, enum, Writable, null, or arrays of any of these types. It is used in Hadoop RPC to marshal and unmarshal method arguments and return types.

ObjectWritable is useful when a field can be of more than one type. For example, if the values in a SequenceFile have multiple types, you can declare the value type as an ObjectWritable and wrap each type in an ObjectWritable. Being a general-purpose mechanism, it wastes a fair amount of space because it writes the classname of the wrapped type every time it is serialized. In cases where the number of types is small and known ahead of time, this can be improved by having a static array of types and using the index into the array as the serialized reference to the type. This is the approach that GenericWritable takes, and you have to subclass it to specify which types to support.

The package includes six Writable collection types: Array Writable, ArrayPrimitiveWritable, TwoDArrayWritable, MapWritable, SortedMapWritable, and EnumSetWritable.ArrayWritable and TwoDArrayWritable are Writable implementations for arrays and two-dimensional arrays (array of arrays) of Writable instances. All the elements of an ArrayWritable or a TwoDArrayWritable must be instances of the same class, which is specified at construction as follows:

ArrayWritable writable = new ArrayWritable(Text.class);

MapWritable is an implementation of java.util.Map<Writable, Writable>, and SortedMapWritable is an implementation of java.util.SortedMap<WritableComparable, Writable>. Here’s a demonstration of using a MapWritable with different types for keys and values:

MapWritable src = new MapWritable();
src.put(new IntWritable(1), new Text("cat"));
src.put(new VIntWritable(2), new LongWritable(163));
Implementing a Custom Writable

Hadoop comes with a useful set of Writable implementations that serve most purposes however, on occasion, you may need to write your own custom implementation. With a custom Writable, you have full control over the binary representation and the sort order. Because Writables are at the heart of the MapReduce data path, tuning the binary representation can have a significant effect on performance. The stock Writable implementations that come with Hadoop are well tuned, but for more elaborate structures, it is often better to create a new Writable type rather than composing the stock types.


public class CustomWritable implements WritableComparable<CustomWritable> {

private Text first;
private Text second;

public CustomWritable() {
set(new Text(), new Text());

public CustomWritable(String first, String second) {
set(new Text(first), new Text(second));

public CustomWritable(Text first, Text second) {
set(first, second);

public void set(Text first, Text second) {

this.first = first;
this.second = second;

public Text getFirst() {
return first;

public Text getSecond() {
return second;

public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {

public int hashCode() {
return first.hashCode() * 163 + second.hashCode();

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof CustomWritable) {
CustomWritable tp = (CustomWritable) o;
return first.equals(tp.first) && second.equals(tp.second);
return false;

public String toString() {
return first + "\t" + second;

public int compareTo(CustomWritable tp) {
int cmp = first.compareTo(tp.first);
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
return second.compareTo(tp.second);

The first part of the implementation is straightforward: there are two Text instance variables, first and second, and associated constructors, getters, and setters. All Writable implementations must have a default constructor so that the MapReduce framework can instantiate them, then populate their fields by calling readFields(). Writable instances are mutable and often reused, so you should take care to avoid allocating objects in the write() or readFields() methods.

CustomWritable write() method serializes each Text object in turn to the output stream by delegating to the Text objects themselves. Similarly, readFields() deserializes the bytes from the input stream by delegating to each Text object. The DataOutput and DataInput interfaces have a rich set of methods for serializing and deserializing Java primitives, so, in general, you have complete control over the wire format of your Writable object. Just as you would for any value object you write in Java, you should override the hashCode(), equals(), and toString() methods from java.lang.Object. The hashCode() method is used by the HashPartitioner (the default partitioner in MapReduce) to choose a reduce partition, so you should make sure that you write a good hash function that mixes well to ensure reduce partitions are of a similar size.

Note: If you plan to use your custom Writable with TextOutputFormat, you must implement its toString() method. TextOutputFormat calls toString() on keys and values for their output representation.For CustomWritable, we write the underlying Text objects as strings
separated by a tab character.

CustomWritable is an implementation of WritableComparable, so it provides an implementation of the compareTo() method that imposes the ordering you would expect it sorts by the first string followed by the second.

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